Kato Momoka Interview - I Want To Try Les! Love Cute Girls

Kato Momoka was a Soft On Demand (SOD) PR Department employee, but rather than wearing two hats as both an employee and AV actress, she quit to make her AV actress debut!
And not only that, she's achieved the label of a high-ranking SOD Star.
Now, she talks about various things from her days as an SOD employee to making her AV actress debut while looking back on everything up to now.

At first, I thought I wanted to support AV actresses from up close, so I joined the company

--Previously, you entered SOD as an employee right?
Kato Momoka (Below, Momoka): That's right, I entered the company in April 2016.

--Why was it that you wanted to work for SOD?
Momoka: I went to a beauty-related technical college, but compared to everyone around me I wasn't doing very well and when I got depressed about it, I saw some AV actresses on late-night TV and was encouraged by them. I didn’t go so far as to think, "I'll become an AV actress!" but I thought, "I'd like to support them from up-close."

--I wonder, did you enter this industry as a hair and make-up stylist?
Momoka: No, I wasn't any good at that (lol).

--Did you have an interest in the adult entertainment industry as a whole and not just AV?
Momoka: I had an admiration for the sexy and beautiful actresses.

--Who were the girls that appeared on the late-night TV show that decided your future?
Momoka: It was Ebisu Muscats. Also, Goddotan (TV Tokyo).

--What was your first impression when you actually entered the AV industry?
Momoka: It felt like "I saw something that is forbidden".

--How was it to see a world that you're not supposed to see?
Momoka: I couldn't watch the live sex happening right before my eyes at first…

--What kind of work did you do when you were an employee?
Momoka: I entered in April, and there was a kind of training period, and then you get assigned a department, and that’s when I was assigned to the PR Department. Mainly, I did computer work on weekdays and did event work on the weekends.

--How was it being assigned to the PR Department?
Momoka: It was fulfilling! Because I was able to hear from our users and respond to them. We also started using twitter in September when I got assigned to the PR department. Also, I'd go to live events and take pictures of the actresses.

--I bet a lot of people that came to the events were like, “there’s a beautiful girl working for this company,” right?
Momoka: That's true. (lol)

She had done it with her boyfriend in the bathroom at his office…

--I knew it! You caused a stir didn't you. At that time did you feel some kind of reaction within yourself?
Momoka: I didn't. (lol)

--But, after that in March 2017 you made your debut at 20.
Momoka: During my debut, my mind was completely blank.

I was so overwhelmed I barely remember anything at all.
--What was your impetus to move from being a PR Department employee to making your AV debut?
Momoka: I applied on my own. There were some SOD users with me at a live event who said, "I want to see you in a release", so I thought if it would make the customers happy, I'd try it out.

--That's wonderful! It's super exciting that customers would think of an employee to make her debut.
Momoka: Really!?

--What was the response from fans after your debut?
Momoka: At first, there were some mixed reviews. There were also those who said, "I wish you hadn't debuted."

-- A lot of guys will think that. But they’re still jerking off to you! What was the content of your debut release?
Momoka: It felt like a debut release, starting at the studio and next moving on to a city hotel.

--Up to then you'd seen a lot of releases while in the PR Department, but in actuality, were you mentally prepared for your own shoot?
Momoka: I was just working like mad to make the users happy. Because I wasn't an AV actress yet. Even now, I still don't think of myself as an "actress".

--At that time what were your experiences like with men?
Momoka: When I was in high school I had one boyfriend, but I couldn't go all the way, so when I was in college I dated a co-worker and that was my first time. So I only had sex with one man.

--What was the sex like with that boyfriend?
Momoka: It was fairly normal, but we did it at my boyfriend's office before.

--At the office…was your boyfriend the boss or something like that?
Momoka: No he wasn't. (lol) He was a regular salaryman. But, he'd call me when he was working overtime…There was another office on the same floor of the building. The bathroom was shared with the other company, so we did it in one of the stalls.

--Doing it in the men's bathroom rather than the women's bathroom is thrilling and real! It would be scary if another employee walked in!
Momoka: One time someone walked in on us, and that time we hid in the stall and did it.

--So, right when someone opened the door you'd be right there!? Well, I guess it can't be helped when you want to get it on.
Momoka: Nooo, my partner was 29 years old so he wasn't so into getting it on a bunch…not supposed to be at least. (lol)

She was so upset at getting second place in the SOD user awards that she decided to quit as an employee!!

--What things have awakened in you from doing AV?
Momoka: Before I was a masochist, but I've become even more so. I also think it's pretty fun to be more aggressive when taking a guy's virginity.

--How was it doing a virgin boy?
Momoka: It was cute.

--Which release that you've been in up to now has left an impression on you?
Momoka: "????????" which was an SOD Star series, and my one-year debut anniversary release "?????????" since after shooting I decided to quit the company - so those two releases left an impression.

--Is the SOD Star label pretty special?
Momoka: Yeah. It’s a popular title, and there are no other employees in their films.

--Which release left you with a special feeling of attachment for it?
Momoka: My fourth release "???????? 1??????????4SEX". Through my third release I felt like I didn't understand what was going on at all, but the fourth release had a “candid camera” theme so I just gave myself up to the process. I was slowly starting to get a more bird's-eye view of the whole thing, and I started thinking more about things from this release.

--What was your reason for leaving the company at this time?
Momoka: I pondered it for a long, long time. I discussed it with my coworker as well. I was second place in the user award category of the SOD Award 2018.

In the SOD Awards race I was half-hearted about it, and basically, I had no confidence and felt like "If I get even one vote I'll be happy", but when I ended up getting second place, I should have felt like, "Thank you for giving me second place. It's all thanks to all of you." But I was actually so upset over coming in second, I even surprised myself at how upset it made me…
And when I was honest with myself with how upset I was, I was able to really invest myself into this work, and I also realized how important my users are to me.
And that’s when I decided that I would quit.
--It's better to be just an AV actress than to wear two hats (as an employee as well)!
Momoka: That's right!

--Then you made your debut, but as far as how you felt, was it like "I'm an SOD Star level actress?
Momoka: No, not at all (without confidence). I've said it over and over but I have no confidence. Since I really have no confidence, even now I don’t really feel like an actress.

She wants to try girl-on-girl because she likes people with long hair.

--What are the highlights and best jerk-off moments in your AV debut release?
Momoka: My strongest lasting impression is a scene from "???????????SEX" - I have no memory of what happened during the sex. Although I was talking dirty during it, even that I have no memory of. I remember the content of the time, and was the most immersed I'd been than in any other of my releases.

--Why do you think you were able to get so fully immersed that it left an impression?
Momoka: Hmm… I wonder why, huh? I don't know. I think I had a good balance because I had the nerves from it being my first release after my official debut, but I'd already filmed 14 releases at that point so I could still see myself from a bird's eye view.

--It was very impressive for a debut release.
Momoka: That's right. It did feel like a real debut release. The sex wasn't like that of an SOD employee.

--What was it like to take off your glasses and employee badge?
Momoka: I was really nervous. I wanted them on. I basically wore them all the time.

--What's your goal as an actress newly joining the SOD Star brand?
Momoka: Everyone on SOD Star is amazing, so I feel like I'm not sure if it's okay for me to be there.

--Don't be so modest.
Momoka: No, no, that's how I really feel.

--Everyone is your rival for next year's SOD Awards!
Momoka: Since all of the SOD Star actresses are so amazing, everyone is cheering me on – it's really cool.

--As an AV actress, is there anything that you want to improve on or a dream you've set out for yourself?
Momoka: Since I was really close with SOD users when I was an employee, I want to continue that kind of relationship. Even at live events I want people to stop by calling out, "Momo-chan."

--That's wonderful! That clearly comes from someone who worked in the PR Department.
Momoka: I want users to feel close to me.

--I wonder what there is in terms of AV sex? Is there anything you want to challenge yourself to do?
Momoka: More hardcore stuff – I want to try girl-on-girl. Because I like people with long hair… I love cute girls!

--What is your plan from here?
Momoka: Since I have a bunch of upcoming live events, I'd be thankful if people could come.

--With that, please give a final message to all of your fans!
Momoka: There might be those who say, "You've changed" or "You've grown distant" after becoming an actress, but I won't change at all. I hope I can continue to walk alongside my fans as I have up to now!


85 - 56 - 90
End year
Last update: 02/06/2024 10:23:34